Additional currency GBP?


Avatar: RaVlaNa

2023-06-30 01:48

Hi everyone,
I wonder if there would be a possibility to add the British Pound (GBP, £) to the currencies.
If I am n ot mistaken I think the existing currency plugin only adds USD.

This would be a great help to me, and probably many others.

Thank you in advance.

» Quick.Cart v6.x


Avatar: openzibi

2023-07-06 20:37

What is your main, default currency or please send link.
Do you want change USD to GBP? Try this: change $config['currency_symbol_2'] = "USD"; to $config['currency_symbol_2'] = "GBP";
Do you want to add a third currency? In this case, it is necessary to modify this plugin.

Zbyszek -

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